Scientific Programme

Representatives from the BMSS and BSPR are busy developing an extensive and invigorating Scientific Programme for 2024. The Super Meeting will accommodate 3 Plenary Lectures, 16 Keynote Lectures, 48 Contributed Talks, 45 Flash Presentations, 6 Partner Presentations and traditionally presented poster sessions (in A0 portrait format).

A draft programme can be seen further down this page.

BMSS-BSPR Super Meeting Plenary Speakers:

The Super Meeting programme features the following confirmed Plenary Speakers: 

Prof Bernhard Küster, Technical University of Munich

Prof Kevin Pagel, Freie Universität Berlin

Prof Corinne Spickett, Aston University

BMSS-BSPR Super Meeting Keynote Speakers:

The Scientific Programme Team are busy inviting an excellent variety of Keynote Speakers from the UK and beyond. Watch this space for updates and confirmation of our invited speakers in the following categories:

Multiomics: Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Heidelberg University

Applications I (Natural Sciences): ) Nanna Bjarnholt, University of Copenhagen

Chemical Biology: Megan Wright, University of Leeds

Proteomics (One Health & Non-Human): Paola Roncada, Magna Græcia University

Applications II (Life Sciences): Ana Rodriguez-Mateos, King's College London

Instrumentation &  Fundamental MS: Amy Burton, GSK

Clinical Proteomics: Pietro Fratta, University College London

Ambient Ionisation & Imaging: Ingela Lanekoff, Uppsala University

Data Processing & Informatics: Brendan MacLean, University of Washington

Native MS & Proteomics: Helen Cooper, University of Birmingham

Small Molecules: Chris Hopley, LGC Group

Biomacromolecular Structure: Tarick El-Baba, University of Oxford

Systems Biology & Rare Diseases: Albert Sickmann, Leibniz Institute for Analytical Sciences

Lipidomics & Metabolomics: Howbeer Muhamadali, University of Liverpool

Ion Mobility: Valerie Gabelica, University of Geneva

Emerging Methods & Technologies in Proteomics: Roman Fischer, University of Oxford

Please follow the link for a more detailed explanation of each abstract silo type and abstract submission.

BMSS-BSPR Super Meeting 2024 Draft Programme:

Note: A series of educational workshops are being held at the Super Meeting venue on the morning of Tuesday the 4th of September. These workshops are open, via separate registration, to those attending and those not attending the Super Meeting. More information on the workshops can be found on the Workshops Event Pages.

Presenter Instructions:

Please follow the link situated on the left of this webpage for detailed presenter information.

eAbstract Booklet: 

A copy of the eAbstract booklet will be made available on the BMSS-BSPR Super Meeting 2024 event webpages approximately two weeks before the conference date. At the same time, a set of meeting joining instructions, which will include the e-Abstract book password, will be emailed to delegates.


All questions relating to the BMSS-BSPR Super Meeting 2024 Scientific Programme should be directed to the BMSS Papers Secretary: Liam Heaney,