E-Abstract Book
41st BMSS Annual Meeting Abstract Book
We are proud to publish the BMSS41 Abstract & Programme Book for 2021
The BMSS41 Abstracts & Programme book for 2021 is appended below as a password protected pdf file to download. All registered delegates will receive the password in their ‘Information for Delegates Document’ that the BMSS Administrator will send prior to the BMSS41 Annual Meeting. Please note, printed abstract books will not be available at the meeting.
We look forward to welcoming you to BMSS41 at Sheffield Hallam University 08-09 September 2021.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the BMSS Meetings Secretary at: mark_mcdowall@icloud.com
41st BMSS Annual Meeting Delegate List
The Delegate List for the BMSS41 in-person meeting can also be found below. This contains redacted information (name and affiliation only) for those delegates who opted in to appearing in the list. Note: there will be 215 participants (delegates and sponsors) attending the 2021 BMSS Annual Meeting.

BMSS41 E-Abstract book