UK MS Large Infrastructure Bid Proposal
Critical Mass: Town Hall Meeting
The Critical Mass UK large infrastructure bid for integrated mass spectrometry proposal team encourage ALL stakeholders in our enabling science to participate in a ‘Town Hall Meeting’ at 10 am on the 20th January 2022 to inform and refine our community submission to UKRI in 2Q2022.
The History of the UKRI Large Infrastructure Bid Proposal
The BMSS proactively initiated a member consultation exercise (2017-2020) to collate views on the future requirements for Mass Spectrometry in the UK. As a result the Society distilled a first draft Vision for Mass Spectrometry in the UK [1]. In February 2021 the UKMS Vision Working Group submitted a Statement of Need to EPSRC/UKRI that was well received.
Our nascent vision was discussed in an open session at the 41st BMSS Annual Meeting (Sheffield, 13 September 2021) and the agreed action was to initiate an inclusive consultation of the UK MS stakeholder community. That consultation is now underway, and we would very much like you and your colleagues to contribute.
We now need to refine our vision into a crystal clear Critical Mass UK Large Infrastructure Bid Proposal for consideration by the UKRI Infrastructure Advisory Committee (Ca 2Q2022).
In December 2021 the Large Infrastructure Bid Proposal was branded as Critical Mass UK to encourage the widest spectrum of UK MS users (many of which are not BMSS members) to engage with the next phase of bid development.
Town Hall Meeting
The Critical Mass UK Large Infrastructure Bid Proposal team invited ALL stakeholders to participate in a Town Hall Meeting on 20th January 2022 at 10am to discuss the initial bid concept, and distil out key messages and moon shot projects to be included in the final proposal.
UPDATE: C-MASS UK Town Hall Meeting Report
The C-MASS UK team is most grateful to all colleagues for making the time to contribute to the ‘Town Hall Meeting’ on the 20th January 2022. The summary report from that meeting is appended below.

Town Hall Meeting Summary Report

Town Hall Meeting Introductory Slides
These slides inform on the background of this project to bid to the UKRI large infrastructure fund. As part of that, this includes slides from EPSRC perspective of what the UKRI large infrastructure fund is.