The Monaghan@80 Symposium

Welcome to the event page for the BMSS Monaghan@80 Symposium at Burlington House, London, on the 28th June 2024 - celebrating the contributions Professor John Monaghan has made to our society, and our wider MS community.

This meeting will bring together an amazing breadth of science that reflects the truly eclectic mix of mass spectrometry that Professor John J. Monaghan has explored throughout his career spanning industry (ICI), academia (University of Edinburgh) and publishing (Editor-in-chief for Rapid Communications Mass Spectrometry), from applications involving azo dyestuffs to insecticides and peptides; from fundamentals and instrumentation covering MS/MS and hyphenated MS techniques.

In 2003, John became the first President of the BMSS, and later, was the third recipient of the BMSS Medal. This is a very rare honour bestowed on individuals who truly champion mass spectrometry. John has held long-standing roles at the BMSS, Royal Society of Chemistry (receiving an MBE for his services to the Scottish Division of the RSC) and the International Mass Spectrometry Foundation, making national and world-wide contributions to developing, educating and communicating mass spectrometry.

Join us, the BMSS and the RSC Separation Science Group, as we embark on a journey to look at where we have come from, where we are now and most importantly, where we are going….or….how do we get to where we want to be (and what have we lost along the way)!

We are delighted to be able to provide free on-line access to the Monaghan@80 symposium thanks to the generous support of this event by our Sponsors.

Please contact John Langley at for the link to this Zoom meeting.


With thanks to our sponsors...