Brian N. Green Legacy
19th Dec 2022
Brian N. Green OBE died on the 17th December 2021 [1]. Brian was a pioneering mass spectrometrist whose work in instrument development, and the elucidation of human haemoglobin variants made him a ‘notable name’ [2] in our mass spectrometry community. In recognition of his contributions the BMSS awarded Brian the Society’s, most prestigious, Aston Medal [3] in 1996.
Following Brian’s death the BMSS was informed that he had made a very generous bequest to the Society. Subsequently the BMSS Executive Committee considered how this legacy should be respectfully deployed.
The BMSS has an established track record in dispersing funds to assist Early Career Scientists/Researchers in their nascent endeavours [4].
The BMSS Executive Committee have resolved to ‘ring fence’ Brian’s legacy to enable the Society’s programme of grants to continue unabated in these economically challenging times.