John Beynon Travel and Conference Fund

This fund is dedicated to the memory of John Beynon, an eminent mass spectrometrist and one of the founders of our Society. In a career spanning four decades, John Beynon visited and collaborated with many notable scientists and was awarded the BMSS Aston Medal to recognise his contributions to the field of mass spectrometry.


  1. Applications must submitted at least four weeks prior to travel. Late and retrospective applications will not be accepted.
  2. If attending a conference, the applicant should normally be presenting.
  3. Applicants will be expected to seek an economical mode of transport.
  4. The maximum award that can be made is limited to £400. Applicants will be required to submit a report of their travel plus receipts and/or other proof of expense prior to the funds being released.
  5. Applications to attend BMSS meetings and evidence of funding from other sources will be looked upon favourably.
  6. Applications will be dealt with on a first-come-first-served basis.

Please click on the JBTCF application link located on the left of this page to begin the application process.


  1. Assistance is only available to BMSS members with a minimum of three calendar months standing at the time of the planned travel.
  2. All members are eligible to apply, however preference will normally be given to students and other early-career researchers
  3. Only one application per person per calendar year (1 January to 31 December) will be considered.
  4. The BMSS Committee reserves the right to limit the number of awards made to any one individual, organisation or department.

Terms and Conditions

  1. The successful applicant is required to acknowledge the BMSS on their presentations by including a copy of the BMSS logo (members can download here).
  2. The successful applicant must upload a travel report (along with an expense claim form) within one calendar month of the meeting end. This is achieved through the link in the acceptance email.
    • The BMSS Committee may elect to publish the travel report in the BMSS Newsletter, on the BMSS Web Pages, across BMSS social media platforms, or in other similar BMSS material.
    • The travel report should be of good quality and concise. Two pages should be a maximum. For members attending a conference, a PDF of a poster, or two-page report on an oral presentation delivered in the style of an extended abstract is acceptable.
  3. Expenses (to be submitted along with the travel report) will be reimbursed by BACS transfer upon receipt of:
    • The travel report (please see above for details) 
    • A completed expense claim form (members can download here)
    • Legible copies of appropriate receipts (no bank statements please).

Note 1: All documents must be uploaded to the system as PDFs or image files.

Note 2: Please include the currency conversion rate (converted into pounds sterling - GBP) in the expenses spreadsheet:

Note 3: For receipts where one receipt covers multiple people's expenses (which should be avoided if possible), the submitting individual must highlight the items relevant to their specific claim.

Note 4: Delays in BMSS receiving the necessary information will delay the release of funds.

Note 5: Please allow up to 30 working days from the submission of expenses date for the payment to be processed.


Please do not hesitate to contact the BMSS General Secretary,, if you you have any questions about the BMSS JBTCF.