COVID-19: sharing our knowledge
The BMSS are calling out to our members and the wider mass spectrometry and analytical communities to join this COVID-19 MS coalition:
We invite you to join COVID-19 Mass Spectrometry Coalition.
In this international effort we aim to use mass spectrometry to reduce the harm caused by the SARS-Cov2 virus. We will share sample collection and processing protocols and we will share all data that is obtained to maximise the benefit for all.
Our aims are:
- To use mass spectrometry to minimise the harm from COVID-19
- To form a coalition of mass spectrometry labs with national points of contact
- To share methods and protocols and all data
- To map the viral antigens in blood and other bio-fluids to inform serological testing
- To assay (QC) compounds produced for serological tests kits
- To use mass spectrometry to inform vaccine and therapeutic developments (mapping viral proteins and their interactions)
- To develop methods to determine disease prognosis
- To develop methods to determine the lifetime of infective particles in the environment.
We have jointly drafted a letter, which outlines the urgent action that can be taken by this Mass Spectrometry Coalition. This has been published in the Lancet and can be viewed here. If you wish to join this collaborative effort to join up national actions, please contact us at or sign up here.
Our web presence is and we will be populating this with agreed protocols. In the meantime we are sharing protocols and methodologies at

COVID-19 Mass Spectrometry Coalition
COVID-19 Mass Spectrometry Coalition - aims, actions and contacts