Super Meeting 2024 Abstract Submission: Partner Presentations

Welcome to the BMSS-BSPR Super Meeting 2024 Abstract submission page for PARTNER PRESNTATIONS.

This abstract submission page is for the exclusive use of the six BMSS/BSPR Partners who have made a contractual commitment to significantly sponsor the 2024 Super Meeting, in addition to exhibition space rental. Qualifying Partners are defined as organisations that have committed to one of the sponsorship or advertising options listed below. Qualifying Partners are invited to submit a Partner Presentation abstract.

Note: All classic delegate abstracts for inclusion in the main scientific programme should be submitted via the delegates’ abstract submission pages.

  • Single-vendor/exclusive advertising at the Dai Games Symposium: £1,500
  • Single-vendor/exclusive advertising at the Inclusive Social Supper: £1,750 
  • Single-vendor/exclusive advertising at the Pre-Conference Dinner Reception: £1,475 
  • Single-vendor/exclusive advertising at the Conference Dinner: £2,000
  • Conference registration badge branding and messaging: £1,950
  • Post-Meeting Digital Content branding: £1,950

The abstract deadline is midnight on the 1st of July 2024.

Abstracts should take the following format:

Aims/Introduction (Max.120 words)

Experimental and Results (Max. 400 words)

Conclusions (Max. 100 words)

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